Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Put An 'X' in Which Box?

Who do we vote for at the next election?  The choices:

1. The party run by megalomaniacs & Trotskyites that:-
a) Sold off our gold reserves for a pittance and then spent the money on employing millions of people to do jobs that we didn’t need in the first place.  Who, in order to fund these jobs once the proceeds of the gold reserves had run out, went on to borrow billions of pounds in our name that we will never be able to pay back.
b) Took us to one war that cost the deaths of 179 British servicemen, injuries to 1000s more and £9 billion based on lie.  The lie conveniently covered up by the death (allegedly by suicide) of a leading scientific advisor.  And who also arranged the vilification of the BBC and one of its reporters in order prevent exposure of the lie.
c) That rewarded an ex-minister with the post of European Commissioner after he had been forced to resign twice following allegations of wrongdoing.
d) Signed away huge chunks of the country’s sovereignty to the EU without any mandate and often without informing the public.
e) Began the process of destroying the British Justice system by removing ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ from proof of guilt in criminal prosecutions; amongst other things.
f) Created an ‘open door’ immigration policy with total disregard to the consequences and thereby changing the face of Britain forever, creating friction and a rise in racism. 
g) Signed us up to a ‘human rights’ policy that seems to protect the rights of those some of the most undesirable people, and which can be used for absurd and trivial issues for which it was not intended.
h) Devised an NHS service so expensive and unworkable that it almost collapsed under the weight of its own bureaucracy.  This included a new contract for GPs that entitled them not to treat people in the evenings or at weekends.
i) Got us involved in a second unwinnable war on the other side of the globe that after 10 years has so far cost us £37 billion, the lives of nearly 450 British service people and God knows how many other casualties.  Afghanistan is now exporting more drugs to the UK than it did before we started.
j) Passed a new law for almost every day they were in office creating opportunities for many of the people mentioned in (a) above to snoop on you and/or prosecute you.
k) Kick started the break-up of the United Kingdom by devolving powers to the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament.
l) Introduced Student Loans that it are almost impossible to repay.

2. Maybe the party that: a) Promised a referendum about the EU and then reneged on it.

    b)  Set about changing the welfare system in a manner that makes life even more intolerable for the most vulnerable.  Pushing elderly and disabled people out of their homes and an exponential rise in food banks like we have not seen since the depression.

c) Continued the destruction of the British justice system by denying worthwhile Legal Aid representation to the vast majority of the public, handed over the court interpreter service to an incompetent con artist and is currently dismantling the probation service.

d) Did little or nothing to rectify the immigration policy referred to in 1f above.

e) Set about ‘reforming’ the NHS at enormous expense with no idea as to whether their plans will work.  (for 'reforming' read 'privatising')

f) Set about ‘reforming’ the education system at enormous expense with no idea as to whether their plans will work.  (for 'reforming' read 'privatising')

g) Discarded its historical identity and attempted to become all things to all men and set about tearing itself apart in order try to create a new one.

h) Introduced tuition fees at university and increased the afore-mentioned Student Loans so they are completely impossible to pay back.

i)  Handed over public service contracts worth billions of pounds to suppliers, many of whom are party donors and who pay their tax overseas and also have long established histories of incompetence and dishonesty.

3. Or perhaps the minority party that: a) joined a coalition government and then spent most its time preventing the same government from enacting some of its policies (thankfully some might say).

b) Made absolute and unconditional promises to its voters and then reneged on them.

c) Appointed a minister who subsequently ended up in prison for lying to a court.

d) Would readily hand over the keys to the borders, the treasury and just about everything else to the EU

d) Advances a load of half-baked idealistic policies imagining some post-electoral Utopia where people of all races, religions, sexuality, conviction and/or nationality suddenly experience a miraculous renaissance and start to live harmoniously side by side regardless of their history or culture.

4. Then of course there’s the party that champions the environment whose policies include: a) Protecting the environment from dangers that may or may not be (i) real, or (ii) caused by things we have any control over; and

b) Oh wait a minute that’s their only policy.
5. The party with less than 10 articulate politicians and holds amongst its electoral candidates a selection of extreme disaffected former members of (2) above and some the would have been at home alongside Oswald Mosely .  That has adopted as its manifesto all the worst policies from (2) above because before that only had one policy.  That promises to extract us from the EU and then afterwards what ??????

6. Of course we could choose any one of the parties that claim to be patriots and chooses to take to streets as a disorganised rabble as soon as anybody mentions nationality, colour, race or religion especially if any or all these can be perceived as coming from outside the UK; who are thinly disguised Nazi xenophobes.

7. Or the other party that claim to be patriots and chooses to take to streets as a disorganised rabble as soon as anybody mentions nationality, colour, race or religion especially if any or all these can be perceived as coming from outside the UK; who are completely undisguised Nazi xenophobes.
Why can’t we just have the option ‘None of the above’?